The 2019 LOTS Spring Luncheon
At the 2019 Spring Luncheon we had the privilege of honoring the founding Vicar (i.e., Pastor) of LOTS, The Rev. Garrett Wingfield, who this year retired from the Board. Garrett has served LOTS for 29 years.
We also heard from Greg Audel, co-host of "So, What's Your Story" on KPFT (90.1). Greg was both vulnerable and inspiring in sharing with us influences in his life that shaped him as someone who must "do something" as a necessary component of his faith. He also spoke of interactions he's had with homeless and unstably housed neighbors of LOTS who have reminded him of the ways their skills and insights often remain hidden unless we enter a relationship with them. We are more than grateful to all who contributed and attended in making this year's luncheon a great celebration and financial success! |
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